Bidding Documents Question and Answer Board

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Contract Number: 19-105-11  

The District's responses to questions presented on this page are NOT binding to the bidding documents.

Any official interpretation or change to the bidding documents will be made only by an addendum
duly issued to all plan holders on record by the Director of Procurement and Materials Management


Subject3:  testing
Question: What specification or method is suggested for the testing of "explosives"?
Date of Question: 10/22/2018 3:17:16 PM
         MWRDGC RESPONSE  1:   The method used by the contract lab is Method 8330 B (for nitroaromatics and nitramines (HPLC))
        Date of Answer:   10/25/2018 3:46:01 PM



Subject2:  Sampling requirements
Question: Will an addendum be issued to revise Proposal page P-2 to reflect the analysis of a total of 20 samples from McCook as previously stated in MWRDGC Responses 1 and 2?
Date of Question: 10/22/2018 10:46:04 AM
         MWRDGC RESPONSE  2:   Please disregard all previous answers related to the number of samples to be analyzed from the McCook Reservoir wells. The total number of samples to be analyzed from the McCook wells will remain the same as stated in the contract. Please refer to P-2 of the contract document. Therefore, no addendum will be issued.
        Date of Answer:   10/25/2018 4:32:24 PM
         MWRDGC RESPONSE  1:   Re the project cost, once the project budget is approved, there will be no changes to anything agreed upon at the initial stage. An addendum will be issued to accompany the final contract document, since a minor increase in the number of samples will not impact the contract budget. There is no need to increase the amt of funds in the contract, since there is extra budgeted for extra samples. My apologies, but I need to correct some info I transmitted to you in the previous response. Total no. of annual McCook samples to be sent to contract lab is 10, instead of 20. The second set of 10 samples will require only inorganic analyses, and these will be analyzed by District ALD Labs. Hope this information will be helpful.
        Date of Answer:   10/25/2018 3:57:01 PM



Subject1:  Analytical requirements
Question: Can you please clarify the testing requirements for the four bid items? Portions of the documents seem to indicate analyses will be limited to organics, explosives and radioactivity but other portions reference samples for inorganics and organics. The various types of organics to be analyzed have been identified but that does not seem to be the case for inorganic parameters. Also, Bid Items 3 and 4 refer to analytes listed in Detailed Specifications 4 but that Section is titled “Time to Handle the Samples”. Please clarify.
Date of Question: 10/12/2018 3:02:38 PM
         MWRDGC RESPONSE  2:   (total number of McCook samples for org. analysis increased to 20 per year.)
        Date of Answer:   10/15/2018 11:55:46 AM
         MWRDGC RESPONSE  1:   Items 1 & 2: require sample collection only! 3. Thornton Composite Reservoir (TCR): Annual samples: - organics, explosives, radioactivity, etc. samples analyzed (Contract lab). - inorganics, metals samples picked up by MWRD personnel; analyzed by MWRD labs. 4. McCook Reservoir wells: Semi-Annual samples (Apr-May; Oct-Nov): - organics, explosives, radioactivity, etc. samples analyzed (Contract lab). - inorganics, metals samples collected by MWRD personnel, analyzed by MWRD labs. - ALL McCook sampling by MWRD personnel. - McCook Semi-Annual and TCR Annual samples to be analyzed by Contract Lab. - ALL inorganics and metals from both sites to be analyzed by MWRD Labs, so they are not included in contract. My apologies - Detailed Specs 5 (instead of 4) should be listed. One modification for McCook wells: After Contract prep, the IEPA requested semi-annual samples for all wells, instead of annual samples for 5 wells. The total number of samples for org. analysis increased 20 per year. Hope all your questions were satisfactorily answered.
        Date of Answer:   10/15/2018 11:51:38 AM